Disney Dad Quotes for Father’s Day

Disney Dad Quotes for Father’s Day

Disney Dads. There is nothing like them. Like fairy godmothers of the male persuasion, Disney Dads offer advice, get protective, and give nuggets of wisdom to last a lifetime. From well-meaning fathers to dads who embrace the crazy. We love them all. Get ready to settle in and learn a thing or two. Here are our favorite Disney Dad quotes for Father’s Day. 

Honoring Fathers’ day we have pulled together lessons, wisdom, love, and guidance from our favorite Disney dads. As Disney fans we love the Disney Quotes that turn out to be life lessons. And Disney Mom Quotes are some of the best. Be sure to check out all our Disney Quotes for even more inspiration. 

Goofy | A Goofy Movie Quote

Is this Disney Dad quote ever the truth! We love that Goofy, even with all his goof, still understands his role as Max’s Dad. These two are always up to trouble and fun, and we can’t get enough of this 90’s Disney throwback film, showing us just how Goofy masters being a Disney Dad. 

“You’re my son, Max. No matter how big you get… …you’ll always be my son.” – Goofy, A Goofy Movie

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James | Princess and the Frog Quotes

Tiana’s dad is hardworking, hopeful, and makes time for family. He knows the value of Love and making that a priority in life. Queue the tears. While Tiana’s hard work ethic drives her life, it’s her Disney Dad, James, that brings her back to what’s important every time. You can be hard working and keep those priorities in check. A lesson we all need to learn. 

“Just promise your daddy one thing. That you’ll never, ever, lose sight of what’s really important.” Tiana’s dad, James, The Princess, and the Frog

“You remember Tiana, that old star can only take you part of the way. You got to help it along with some hard work of your own.”- James, Princess and the Frog

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Charles | Alice in Wonderland Quotes

Ahhh, Alice in Wonderland is full of these delicious nuggets of guidance. We LOVE that acceptance of Alice’s strange ways is completely accepted here. Such a strong message, especially today. This is a Disney dad quotes to hang on the wall when you’re feeling a bit unaccepted. Embrace the crazy, embrace the magic and whimsy in Wonderland. 

 “You’re mad, bonkers, off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret—all the best people are.” Alice’s father, Charles Kingsleigh, Alice in Wonderland

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Phillipe Renaldi | The Princess Diaries

You knew we couldn’t pull together a list of Disney Dad quotes without including The Princess Diaries. And this gem comes from royalty itself. When Amelia is doubting her whole future, and all that stuff that others would say- uh no…that’s ok- to, her Dad steps in with a letter. Since dads sometimes have a difficult way of sharing what’s important, we love that even though Phillipe was no longer around he was still able to share this important lesson with his daughter. A quintessential Disney dad move. 

“Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment… …that something else is more important than fear.” Philippe Renaldi, The Princess Diaries

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Zeus | Hercules Quotes

Greek god Zeus is all about the wisdom. After seeing his son grow up on earth, there is only so much that can be done to get that boy back to Olympus. And this Disney Dad does everyone he can to help Hercules see where his true strength lies.  

“For a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.” Zeus, Hercules

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Mufasa and Rafiki | The Lion King Quotes

Frankly, if we had the time, we’d be writing a dissertation on the lessons found in The Lion King. We’ve only included a few here. Mufasa plays the iconic Disney Dad. Strong, Wise, Caring. His understanding of the world is second to none. But we also love a good Disney Dad sidekick. Rafiki takes up the mantle on this guiding not only Mufasa but Simba too. Powerful lessons, all. 

“The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. … So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I.”- Mufasa. The Lion King

“Look inside yourself Simba, you are more than what you have become.” – Mufasa. The Lion King

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it. You can either run from it or learn from it”- Rafiki, The Lion King

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Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Fa Zhou | Mulan Quotes

Not all dad and daughter relationships are easy. He wants to keep her safe and respectable and see her married. She wants to protect him at any cost. Ah, love. It’s devastating sometimes. We find crying inevitable with Mulan. Crying in desperation, in sadness, in joy, in laughter. So many emotions! This is Disney Cinematherapy at its best. Disney Dad Fa Zhou, while teaching the lessons, learns a few of his own. 

 “The greatest gift in honor…is having you for a daughter.” Fa Zhou, Mulan

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 Maurice | Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Maurice may seem like a crackpot, but the best dads usually are. Not always apparent at the start, this Dad sees his daughter for who she is. Is bent on protecting her and making a better life for themselves. Who wouldn’t love that? He also does his best to understand her. Which is the greatest gift of all. 

“Love lives on inside our hearts, and always will.” – Maurice, Beauty and the Beast

 “My dear Belle, you’re so ahead of your time. This is a small village, and it’s small-minded, as well. But small also means safe.” – Maurice, Beauty and the Beast

“Papa, do you think I’m odd?” “My daughter? Odd? Where would you get an idea like that?” Maurice, Beauty and the Beast

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Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

King Triton and Sebastian | the Little Mermaid

King Triton plays the overbearing better than anyone, therefore in our Disney Dad Quotes lineup, we focus on Disney dad sidekick, Sebastian, too. Because it takes King Triton a little while to learn how to father Ariel. And these two guys need each other to make it right. 

“I consider myself a reasonable merman.” “As long as you live under my ocean, you’ll obey my rules.” King Triton, The Little Mermaid

“It’s like I always say your majesty children got to be free to lead their own lives” – Sebastian, The Little Mermaid

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Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Jiminy Cricket and Geppetto | Pinocchio Quotes

“Hey, Father! Father!” “Don’t bother me now, Pinocchio!”- Geppetto, Pinocchio

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Mr. Incredible and Frozone | The Incredibles

Dads are superheroes. Literally. So we just had to make sure our Incredible dads got some recognition here. From the frustrations of fatherhood to the perils of being married. Our superhero Disney dads know what it takes to get the job done. Whether that’s working 9-5 or saving the city. We salute you. 

“ No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for… for ten minutes!” Bob Parr, Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles

“Honey, where’s my super suit?” Lucius Best, Frozone The Incredibles

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

The King | Cinderella Quotes

We’ve taken these from both the animated and live-action Cinderella films. Frankly, Cinderella is another story we can learn every life lesson from. Even Prince Charming’s father brings his two cents to the table. With reminders of what’s important and staying true to your heart. 

“My son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough. It’s high time he married and settled down.” The King, Cinderella

“You’ve become your own man. Good. And perhaps, in the little time left to me, I can become the father you deserve. You must not marry for advantage. You must marry for love. Find that girl. Find her.” -The King, Cinderella

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Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Lewis “Cornelius” Robinson | Meet the Robinsons Quotes

Taken straight from the mouth of Walt Disney himself, the motto “Keep Moving Forward” was added into Meet the Robinsons as the guiding force driving the movie. Sure, failures will pop up, detours will pop up, but the goal is to just keep moving forward. We adore that Lewis imparts this strong piece of wisdom on his son Wilbur, who in turn begins using it to manage his own life. 

“Keep moving forward.”

“Why do you keep saying that? And don’t just say, ‘keep moving forward.”

“It’s my dad’s motto.“ – Wilbur, Meet the Robinsons

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The Sultan | Aladdin Quotes

Sure, the sultan may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, BUT he still wants the best for his daughter. Jasmine couldn’t have been easy to parent, and the Sultan is just doing his best. His salvation would be to just marry her off to someone wonderful…and yet, that proves difficult. Our hearts go out to him.

“It’s this suitor business. Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I’m at my wits’ end.”- The Sultan, Aladdin

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Bert | Mary Poppins Quotes

Another Disney Dad sidekick, we love that Bert takes charge of helping Mr. Banks see his role in Jane and Michael’s lives. As with anyone parent who hustles, this dad sometimes just needs a reminder about parenting and priorities. We love this meaningful moment in the film and hope dads everywhere can take a minute to reflect on the lesson. 

“And when your little tykes are crying, you haven’t time to dry their tears… And see their thankful little faces smiling up at you… ‘Cause their dad, he always knows just what to do…” Bert, Mary Poppins

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Professor Porter | Tarzan Quotes

This almost didn’t make our Disney Dad Quotes list because it’s not really a lesson. But then, a father’s role in our lives isn’t always just about lessons, is it? Sometimes it’s just about the humanity shared. And the fact that their hard-earned money has gone towards something they’ve lost. Like our shoes. 

“And, Daddy! They took my boot! ” (Jane)

“Your boot – those are the ones I bought you.” Professor Porter, Tarzan

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King Stefan and King Hubert  | Sleeping Beauty Quotes

Soon to be fathers-in-law, and hopefully grandparents, our royal Disney Dads do what dads do best. Argue of whose kid is better. We love that these kings get into a little tiff before their son has even seen Aurora! We love that their estimation of their children is so high, that a resolution couldn’t be reached. Typical dad mode. 

“Why doesn’t your daughter like my son?” (King Hubert)

“Now, now…” (King Stefan)

“I’m not so sure my son likes your daughter! “(King Hubert)

“Now, see here…”(King Stefan)

“I’m not so sure my grandchildren want you for a grandfather!” (King Hubert)

Sleeping Beauty

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

King Fergus | Brave Quotes

Another royal Disney dad worried about the marriage of his daughter. He just tells it like it is. Of course, Merida has other plans, but that’s another series of quotes altogether. We love the overbearing, well-meaning father. Because it always comes from a place of love, even when it doesn’t feel like it. 

“None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter!”- King Fergus, Brave

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Pacha | Emperor’s New Groove Quotes

So, Emperors New Groove is one of our favorite Disney films. And with Pacha playing the perfect dad, it just doesn’t get better. As part of our Disney Dad quotes, we just had to add in the playful banter between him and his kids. All dads have these inside jokes. That’s why we love them. 

“Dad! I ate a bug today!”

“Oh! Was Mom baking again? Heh. Don’t tell her I said that.” Pacha, The Emperor’s New Groove

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King Frederic | Tangled Quotes

Between her father, and Eugene ( aka Flynn Rider), Rapunzel has more protection than she needs. but it doesn’t stop these two guys from trying! 

“Eugene, you should know by now, Rapunzel doesn’t need anyone to take care of her.”- King Frederic, Tangled The Series

“I just want to protect her”- King Frederic, Tangled

Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies


Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Marlin and Crush | Finding Nemo Quotes

At opposite ends of the spectrum Marlin- the overprotective dad and Crush – the go-with-the-flow dad- find common ground in the caring of their kids. Granted, we totally get that Marlin is shaken after what has happened in his life. It’s Crush who helps him see another way. So moving, so meaningful. 

“There, there, there. Its okay, Daddy’s here, daddy’s got you. I promise I will never let anything happen to you.”- Marlin, Finding Nemo

“How do you know if they’re ready?” ( Marlin) “Well, you never really know, but when they know, you know, ya know?” (Crush) Finding Nemo

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Disney Quotes for the Disney Dad. Disney Father's Day Quotes for Dads who love Disney #DisneyDads #disneyfathers #disneyquotes #fathersday #polkadotpixies

Disney Dad Quotes

There you have it. The lineup of Disney Dad quotes we’ve found so far. Every dad here goes through his own transformation as a result of their child. Learning love, compassion, understanding, balance, and acceptance. We stick by the rule that you can learn everything you need to in life from Disney Movies. And these ones definitely seem to prove it. Hope you loved these. If you have other favorite Dad quotes from Disney films, let us know! 

Disney Dad Quotes for Fathers Day. From King Hubert to Mufasa, we've done a round up of all our favorite Disney dads! Check out the love, wisdom, lessons and humor you only get from dad. #disneydad #disneyquotes #fathersday #disneyfathersday #polkadotpixies

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Rochelle Mariah is a writer, designer and photographer with an MLIS in Information Science and a B.S. in Arch and Design. Determined to make Planning a DIY Disney Vacation easier she makes lots of lists and drinks lots of coffee. When not designing apparel at Polka Dot Pixie Shop, she's watching old movies and planning the holidays. She has been traveling to Disney destinations since 2010.

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