Best Jungle Cruise Jokes, Changes and the Movie

Best Jungle Cruise Jokes, Changes and the Movie

The Best Jungle Cruise Jokes may be told by different skippers every time you ride Jungle Cruise at Walt Disney World or Disneyland but that doesn’t make them any less funny. Or shall we say punny? If you’re looking for all the best jungle cruise puns so you can relive your latest vacation cruise we got ’em!

jungle boat ride disney

Jungle Cruise Changes at Walt Disney World and Disneyland

 “New adventures that stay true to the experience we know and love – more humor, wildlife and skipper heart – and also reflect and value the diversity of the world around us.” Through these changes, The Jungle Cruise will get its “first continuous story, fantastic updated scenes, colorful new characters, and more.” 

What is Changing on Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom?

In the D23 interview, Imagineering Creative Portfolio Executive Chris Beatty shared info on EVERYTHING happening to the Jungle Cruise rides at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

New Storylines

When looking at Jungle Cruise scenes don’t you wish for more of a story? Well, Beatty poses the questions throughout the ENTIRE ride and that is what is changing.

Rhino Scene

“Did you ever wonder who those explorers were or where they came from? What’s their backstory? As part of the enhanced storyline, each one of them will have their own story and cultural heritage.” These folks were a “birdwatcher, an entomologist, a wildlife painter, and a photographer, and each one will have a different reason for being on the expedition. And, of course, they did one of the things you’re never supposed to do, which leaves the boat.”

And we’ll be getting a few interactive scenes in the midst too. In the Rhino scene, you’ll see an “animatronic skipper, who’s been chased up the pole by the rhino, along with the other explorers.” Beatty noted, “we’re not really re-envisioning that scene, we’re just adding a narrative and storytelling to bring things to life and connect that moment with other happenings along the river.”


The Explorers Boat

We know this scene to have a boat beached on the rocks. Who knew that it may have actually belonged to those explorers before?  Here Beatty shares that the “chimpanzees are almost making fun of us. It’s the animals really getting the last laugh in this cute scene—these silly explorers really came in and invaded their world.”

scenes at jungle crusie changing

Trader Sam Final Scene

Replaced for obvious reasons Trader Sam is being replaced with mock a gift shop! “Word on the stream is that Alberta Falls, proprietor of the Jungle Navigation Company Ltd., has entrusted her longtime friend, Trader Sam, to manage the new Lost & Found location.  But, with Trader Sam being Trader Sam, there’s always an opportunity to make some extra money. After all, all the best rides end with a gift shop, right? 

Take a look at this rendering of their newest venture together. Clearly, Sam is betting on an established reputation as the best merchant in the jungle! But, while he’s out lost and finding some new inventory, it’s the animals that get the last laugh!”

You can see more descriptions of these expanded new storylines from Kevin Lively, a Disney Imagineer and former Skipper, below.



And if you’re looking for even more up close and personal action then watch Imagineer Kevin Lively ( and former Jungle Cruise Skipper) in the video below discussing some of the changes coming to the attraction’s storyline. 

Why is Disney Changing Jungle Cruise?

Beatty also shared that since Disney is “constantly evaluating ways to enhance attractions and experiences in our parks to make sure everybody has the best time—that guests from all over the world can connect with the stories we share and that how we bring those to life are respectful of the diverse world we live in. When you look at the Jungle Cruise, as it is today, there are just a couple of scenes that don’t do that and needed a refresh.”

YouTube video

What Is Not Changing at Jungle Cruise?

Thankfully, Disney “is not a re-envisioning of the entire attraction. It’s the Jungle Cruise you know and love, with the skippers still leading the way, and at the same time, we’re addressing the negative depictions of ‘natives.’ So that’s one of the scenes we’re going to go in and change.”

Some of the Jokes Stay the Same!

Skippers will get new material, but classic jokes will remain the same! It’s really just about  “enhancing the existing attraction storyline and addressing some areas that needed refreshing along the way.” 

Will Jungle Cruise Be the Same at Walt Disney World and Disneyland?

If you’re wondering whether things will be different in Disneyland vs. Disney World, Beatty has noted that they will be telling the same story on both coasts. The scenes they’ll be adjusting in the ride will be the same.

When will Jungle Cruise Changes Happen? And Be Completed?

This year! Yep, according to Disney Parks Blog plans for the ride, including script changes, scenes, and basic refurbishments will all happen this year to be ready by the END OF 2021! We anticipate this is one of the 50th Anniversary Golden Nugget Projects on the way for the celebrations planned to go through 2022. 

Jungle Cruise History

As one of Walt Disney’s passion projects inspired by his True-Life Adventures series, The Jungle Cruise ride was first meant to actually have live animals. Which could have been awesome, but crazy unpredictable. So that idea was shot down. Thankfully, with the introduction of animatronic animals, everyone decided they would be easier to manage. 

Jungle Cruise opened July 17, 1955, in Disneyland Park and has been a mainstay Disney classic ride since then. Later opening in Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World on October 1, 1975, Jungle Cruise is one of that cult classic rides in both parks that have a following. This simple boat ride down the Amazon River is filled with scenery and shade and jokes. And a must-do ride on hot days. 

Jungle Cruise Radio Station

The Jungle Navigation Co. runs the Jungle Cruise, along the Amazon River. Known for its Exotic Cruises Departing Daily, business is good at this depression-era British Outpost. Guests seeking adventure can wait to board add listen to Skipper Albert Awol, the Voice of the Jungle. This radio show broadcasts on the DBC to all points unknown. And if you’re in the mood for classic 1930’s music, ads for mosquito netting, and forecasts for skippers you can grab the Jungle Cruise Soundtrack of the Radio Show.

jungle cruise elephants

backside of water jokes on jungle cruise

Jungle Cruise Jokes

The best part of the Jungle Cruise is the jokes. While each Jungle Cruise Skipper brings their own sass and tone to every journey, the puns remain the same. We’ve broken these down by topic so far because there are so many. But if you have a favorite we missed, add it in the comments! 

Jungle Cruise Jokes about the Scenery

Bamboo Stories

“See that bamboo over there? It grows to be six stories tall. People say it can grow to seven stories, but that’s a whole other story.”

Dr. Falls and the Backside of Water

“And now, we’re approaching the beautiful Schweitzer Falls, named after that famous African explorer, Dr. Albert Falls.”

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the backside of water! O2H! Oh, 2, H!

Carnivorous Vines

Now please watch out for these carnivorous vines. Last week, one of them reached into the back of the boat and pulled a woman right out. It was awful! And just before she disappeared, she was feeling just vine.

disney world jungle cruise

And More Scenery

Trader Sam

“Here’s Trader Sam. He’s our head salesman in the jungle. He’s got a pretty good deal for you guys today…two of his heads for just one of yours. Either way, you slice it, you’ll always come out ahead. That’s a killer deal.”

Our Favorite Plants

“I’d like to point out some of my favorite plants here in the jungle.” (Skipper points at various plants)

Boulder Attractions

(Skipper points to huge rock)“This formation on the right is actually sandstone, most people take it for granite. It’s one of our boulder attractions here in the park.”

The Nile River

“Alright folks, we are now entering the Nile, the longest river in the world. It goes on for Niles and Niles and Niles, and if you don’t believe me, then you’re in…(everyone in the boat says denial!) A BOAT! You’re in a boat! Come on, folks!”

jungle cruise at disney world

elephants in jungle cruise

Jungle Cruise Jokes about the Animals

A Toucan Six Pack

“There are a couple of toucans, if we had another we would have a six-pack!”

Ginger Snaps

“Everyone watch out for Ginger. Ginger snaps. That’s right, she’s one tough cookie. I know, I know…it’s a crumby joke, but I milk it for all I can!”

Bengal Tiger Jumping

“That’s no house cat over there. Bengal Tigers can jump over 20 feet, and we must be at least, well… 19 feet away! Don’t worry, he’ll jump right over us.”

Animal Types

“Here, we can see many different types of animals, such as the stripe-y pony thing, the long-neck cheetah…and the ones with the horns, those are new. And, of course, those are lions, ’cause if I called them anything else, I’d be lyin’.”

Rhino Arguments 

“This right here is a perfect example of why you never get into an argument with a rhino. He’ll always get his point across…in the end.”

 Hippo’s Charge the Boat

“It looks like the hippos are trying to charge the boat. Well too bad, I only accept cash.”

Sleeping Zebras

“Don’t worry kids! That zebra is just sleeping. Those lions are his friends! The Lions are protecting the sleeping zebra.”

Crocodiles VS. Alligators

“Do you know what the difference between the crocodiles and alligators is? The crocodiles are made of plastic and the alligators are made with fiberglass.”

Looking for a Hand Out

“You know the crocs are always looking for a hand out. But be careful – I once had an English teacher on board, she didn’t listen to me and now she’s teaching shorthand.”

jungle cruise animals

And More Animal Puns on Jungle Cruise

The Richest Elephant

See that elephant right there? That’s the richest elephant in the whole jungle. It’s ‘Donald Trunk’.

Elephant Snot

Awe look at those elephants bathing over there. You know, you make think that’s water coming out of their trunks but it’s snot.

Scaring Away Hippos

“Oh no! Look at the Hippos that are about to attack the boat. Don’t worry I know just the thing that will scare them away, it worked on my last boyfriend. Screams, “Hey hippos, I love you. I really want to marry you and be with you forever and ever.”

striped horse

Jungle Cruise Jokes about People

Suffocating Relationship

“Look at that boa sitting in a tree, h-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes…asphyxiation…just like every single relationship I’ve ever had. Yeah, it’s funny ’cause you think I’m joking. I’m really lonely, guys.”

Parental Acceptance

“I love my job as a skipper. In fact, my parents are so proud…of…my brother….”

A Family Atmosphere

 “Please watch your head when you leave the boat, and if you can’t watch your head, then watch your mouth. This is a family atmosphere.”

Working 9-5

“Well folks, I hope you all enjoyed your trip around the jungle! I had such a good time that I’m going to do it again…and again…and again…every 15 minutes for the next 8 hours.”

The World-Famous Jungle Cruise

 “If you enjoyed yourself, my name is Joe and this has been the world-famous Jungle Cruise. If you didn’t, then my name is Kevin and this has been the Haunted Mansion.”

Epcot Attendance

“As guests are boarding the boat “Come on everyone let’s fill up all available space, load the boat up. That’s the best way to enjoy the Jungle Cruise, fully loaded…. WITH PEOPLE. Come on, this isn’t EPCOT!”

Getting Paid

“I get paid for the number of people I take out… not the number I bring back!”

Saying Goodbye

“Everyone, turn around and wave goodbye to the folks back on the dock… they may never see you again.”

Ride Quality

“You know, they say you can always judge the quality of a ride by its line, how long did you folks wait? My point exactly.”

Job Trouble

“Before I came to the Jungle, I worked in an orange juice factory, but I got canned because I couldn’t concentrate. My boss almost beat the pulp out of me…”

disney jungle cruise boat

Which Disney Jungle Cruise Boat Sank?

Sankuru Sadie actually sunk in 2004 and Bomokandi Bertha sank in 2020 both in Magic Kingdom.

disney jungle cruise film

Jungle Cruise Merch

If you’re looking for classic Jungle Cruise, Jungle Cruise film merchandise or anything you may find down the river in the Amazon, check out the Jungle Cruise Collection on And since Jungle Cruise is absolutely one of our favorite rides, we just couldn’t help making some shirts to honor this super fun Disney Attraction. Our very first and classic Jungle Cruise shirt was inspired by a poster we once saw and just had to add a little Adventureland fun to the mix.  Check out the Jungle Cruise Hippo Collection

Jungle Cruise shirts for Disney Vacation

Jungle Cruise The Movie

Jungle Cruise Release Date July 30, 2021, in theaters and on Disney+ Premiere Access

The Jungle Cruise Film Adaptation is with Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson, Jungle Cruise is gonna be the best movie ever. Already the poster is showing inspiration from the Indiana Jones films with a little bit of drama. Following in the footsteps of Pirates of the Caribbean, another Disney attraction-turned-film franchise, this is an original script taken directly from ride inspiration. We can expect to see all our favorite parts of the ride show up in some way in the movie, alongside all our favorite Jungle Cruise puns. Check out the Jungle Cruise Trailer below. Watch Jungle Cruise on Disney Plus, available July 30, 2021. 

Will Jungle Cruise Movie Scenes End up in the Ride?

Not overall. Disney shared there is no additional scenes planned to support the movie or the characters. 

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Jungle Cruise When will Jungle Cruise Be Released in 2021

The Jungle Cruise Restaurant 

Skipper Canteen, aka The Jungle Cruise Restaurant at Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World, is exotic. If you’re looking for more Jungle Cruise fun you can find it at the Skipper Canteen at Magic Kingdom. Skipper Canteen is a table service restaurant complete with interesting foods, an adventurer atmosphere, and more puns. Take your time browsing the trinkets and treasures stuffed in the rooms of this restaurant, and enjoy foods from your favorite explorers. If you’re up for adventurous eating read our Skipper Canteen Restaurant Review for everything you should know before you go!

Jingle Cruise | Christmas on the Jungle Cruise

In 2013, Walt Disney World and Disneyland introduced a holiday overlay for the Jungle Cruise ride. Complete with holiday decorations along the amazon and happy holiday head hunters, this is the only reason we sometimes agree to battle the Disney Crowds at Christmas. Disneyland’s last year for Jingle Cruise was in 2016, but we’re hoping it will return in the future. Here are all our best Jingle Cruise pics, the merchandise you’ll need for the holidays.

Disney Jingle Cruise

Jingle Cruise arrives in Magic Kingdom every year just in time for the holidays. One of our absolute favorite holiday attractions, the Jingle Cruise is a fun boat ride into the holiday season.  In addition to the punny holiday jokes about visiting the in-laws, fake boyfriends at holiday get-togethers, and delayed flights, you also get loads of decorations, which is technically Christmas Cargo in disguise! Here is what you can find at Jingle Cruise in Walt Disney World for the holidays.

  • Inspiration Falls. On the outskirts of the nearby village, various Christmas crates have dropped in for this holiday gathering.
  • Gorilla Camp. This trashed camp finds our Gorilla troupe loving all their new Christmas gifts. Complete with a Santa Claus coat for the taking.
  • Trapped Safari Pole. And of course, our rhinos can’t be left out of the action. On this newly billed “North Pole” our explorers and rhinos find themselves surrounded by Christmas Gifts, scattered around the base.
  • Sunken Cambodian Temple. As you sail into the Sunken Cambodian Temple take a look at the Christmas Cargo just delivered to “Santa’s Workshop”. You’ll notice candy canes, Elf costumes, gift boxes, wrapping, and ribbon all over the place as the wildlife get ready for the holiday season.

Jingle Cruise Camp

Jungle Cruise at Christmas

christmas at disney world

Jingle Cruise Merchandise from Polka Dot Pixie Shop

If you’re looking for Jingle Cruise shirts, look no further than our shop. We love these designs and just seem to keep making more! You can grab our Original holiday shirt featuring a rambunctious hippo in our Jingle Cruise Hippo Collection. Or if mayhem is more your style, we caught a rogue elephant messing with some gifts from a cruise that’s gone off course in our Jingle Cruise Elephant Collection. And our latest tee to arrive is a Jingle Cruise Giraffe with a sweet tooth. We can’t get enough of the holidays in general, so add a little Disney to it, and we’re there! Check out all our Disney Christmas Shirts in the shop. 

Jingle Cruise at Disney Shirt

Jungle Cruise Jokes, Merchandise, Holidays the Movie, and More!

Hopefully this roundup of all things Jungle Cruise has you excited for your next Disney trip, the Movie, or even your next meal at Skipper Canteen. Be sure to brush up on your puns and make new ones of your own! Your Jungle Cruise Skipper will thank you for it. 🙂

The Best Jungle Cruise Jokes we've heard so far! This Disney ride includes puns, fun merch, a little history, and when the new Jungle Cruise Movie releases. Check out all things Jungle Cruise! #waltdisneyworld #disneyvacation #polkadotpixies


Co-Founder and Director at Polka Dot Pixie Co LLC | Website

Rochelle Mariah is a writer, designer and photographer with an MLIS in Information Science and a B.S. in Arch and Design. Determined to make Planning a DIY Disney Vacation easier she makes lots of lists and drinks lots of coffee. When not designing apparel at Polka Dot Pixie Shop, she's watching old movies and planning the holidays. She has been traveling to Disney destinations since 2010.