8 Ways to Start the New Year with Disney

8 Ways to Start the New Year with Disney

Are you ready to start over in the New Year with a little help from Disney? A simple mindset shift into a better place can sure help! In the words of Walt Disney himself; ” The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” To Keep Moving Forward was a favorite mindset of Walt’s. And one that researchers have shown increases happiness levels.  So how are you moving forward this year? Here are 8 Things to help you start fresh and hit reset.

Here are the 8 areas of your life to assess, every year. Home, Relationships, Finances, Aspirations, Work, Play, Health, and Spirit. We love this little assessment because it puts you back in touch with the main parts of YOU you may have been neglecting. But, no worries! If this past year has pulled you off-center, grab a notebook or journal, and make a plan to get back on track. And just like our Disney Hygge Challenge, we’ll be sure to show the way with a little bit of Disney to help keep things magical!

minnie mouse mothers day tulips


A home filled with Disney is always magical. But sometimes, we really do need a clean slate. Even if it means re-assessing our massive collection of Disney things. If this past year has led to a little more clutter, or you’re annoyed with that table that has the wonky leg, or you really need a better remote workspace, now is the time. Here are a few things you can do to reclaim your home in a fresh and fun way that will make you feel like you’re somewhere new. Just like Walt says, it’s time to “begin doing”. 

De-clutter your home with Marie Kondo

If you don’t love it, donate it to Goodwill or Salvation Army. If you’re still holding onto things from past relationships or guilt gifts, get rid of them. Clearing the physical clutter clears the energetic clutter. And physically removing stuff from your home that no longer serves you allows your energy to get cleaned up too! You’ll actually start feeling better after this process.

Get Rid of Tolerations

“Let it go! Let it Go!!!”- Frozen. Okay guys, if you’re feeling like this may be a Disney Self-Help post, you may be right. But, you don’t have to be rocket scientist to know that little annoyances affect your day, and negatively! So if you have a coffee pot that leaks, or a sub-par suitcase that you have to duct tape shut- now is the time to get rid of them!!! Every little thing you have to “put up with” takes away from your positive energy. And if you’re dealing with it daily, it can be even worse! 

Add Something New

New Year, new home. Take a minute and figure out what will help you this year! What can you add to your home that will make you feel a little cheerier. Or remind you to lighten up! Or be more motivated? whatever your 2021 goals, make sure the subliminal messages in your home are in alignment with what you want. Need a “get stuff done” mindset? Add an office corner with your laptop, pens, and a calendar at the ready. Need more down time? Make a cozy corner with some fun books to read. Want to just feel better? Grab a cute Disney Mug to help start your day off right! “Keep Moving Forward”- The Robinsons

Disney Home Decor Disney Mugs Adventurland Mug


Relationships are what drives any good Disney Movie. But, much like Iron Man and Captain America, even the good relationships get strained. Are you keeping people in your life for the wrong reasons? Have you outgrown friends that no longer share your values?

Write a Letter

Yep- you heard us! Write something down on cute stationery and send it along with a bag of tea or two to your favorite people you’ve been missing. While we love our zoom calls and virtual mystery parties, nothing compares to taking some time to write a sentiment and send it along. And be sure to send birthday cards, holiday cards, and anything else to help keep those you hold dear in your thoughts. And you in theirs. 

De-Clutter your Feed

Is your social media life a co-dependency wonderland? If you’re looking to others to validate your self-worth or posting for a reaction, do a quick check-in with yourself and assess your relationships. Both in-person and online. Which ones need more care? Which ones need let go? If you get a knot in your stomach waiting for a certain person to respond, or are emotionally attached to your likes, views, and follows, take a break. Grab 30 minutes out of your day and think about if this is helping or hurting your emotional wellbeing. And then “begin doing” something about it. ” The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing-” Walt Disney

Honor Yourself

“The call isn’t out there at all, it’s inside me.”- Moana. It’s time to reconnect with yourself. There are tons of ways to honor you, your values, and your passions this year. Explore a few socials, blogs or websites to follow that are in alignment with who you are! Maybe you love baking or horseback riding. Give some airtime to those things you’ve been dreaming about. And find ways to make time for you. When you step out into this new place and honor new parts of yourself, new people show up to support you. 

Disney Journaling Disney Hygge


Ahhh money, no Disney New Year post would be complete without a finance check-in. Especially since you probably want to add a Disney Vacation into your year, which will require some extra budgeting. But, this doesn’t have to be difficult or depressing! Here are 2 things to assess before you get too far into another year. 

Take Stock of Where You Are

This task is a simple one. Try not to overthink it. Take 15 minutes and make a list of all the money/ bills/ finances you have. This could be your income from a job, a saving account balance, credit card balances, outstanding loans, and budgeted amounts for your groceries, bills, etc. Frankly, this whole process can be scary, especially if you have some debt or post-holiday charges you’re trying to ignore. But, no judgment here. To start fresh in 2021, you need to know where you are first. Once you get all this down, go to the next step- decide where you want to be. 

Decide where you Want to Be

In the words of Cheshire Cat, “If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter which path you take.” So true! But deciding doesn’t have to be hard! One year from now- where do you want to be. Just decide. In 12 months do you want some debt paid off, lower bills, less spending, or to have more money in savings? A better job? A trip planned and paid for? Better bedroom furniture? Whatever it is, if it will require money, write it down. Then divide that number by 12…and see where you are? This will be your monthly goal. So, how do reach it? Well, once you know what you need you can figure that out too. Maybe you need to create something to sell, go back to school, get another job, sell some stuff you don’t need. Make a plan. 

Disney Christmas Ornaments

Aspirations & Dreams

“A dream is a wish your heart makes.”- Cinderella. You should listen to it! If you’re employed, finding time for aspirations is difficult. Really difficult. Between managing a job, family, friends, and all those other things required to just keep yourself alive, where do you find the time to do anything aspirational? Well, 2021 is your year to make it happen. Much like giving some airtime to those parts of you that have been neglected, you probably also have projects that have gone the wayside. Maybe it’s something simple like learning about succulent plants, or herbs. Or maybe something more complex like learning to code, or build a tiny house, or write a book. Whatever it is, this aspirational part of you has been trying to get out, so be sure to give it some love this year- you may be surprised where it can take you. 


Overhaul your Work Life

Whether you’ve been working remote, or on the front lines, chances are this year has given you pause. Are you really doing what you want to be doing? Is it time for a change? Or are you ready for that promotion? Wherever you are in your work life, it’s a great time to assess it. Do you love what you do? If not, think about some options that may be better for you during a transition. Places like Starbucks come with health benefits and college perks and retailers often have fast track management plans that could be right up your alley. The average person will go through 7 career changes in their lives. don’t be afraid of change. Change is Nature”- Ratatouille.

And your Work Space

And much like it’s time to de-clutter your home, your workspace ( whether at home or at the office or even just in the car that gets you there) can always use a fresh start. New pens, file folders, notebooks, maybe a  wireless mouse can all help you feel ready to take on new projects and tasks with a renewed sense of self. If you don’t work at an office, or have your own workspace, even your car deserves a de-clutter. Do you enjoy the morning commute? If not, figure out a new playlist, get a new car air freshener and vacuum the rugs. Anything to help you associate earning money at a job with positive feelings is always worthwhile! “When you find out who you are you find out what you need”- Princess and the Frog

Storybook dining, wilderness lodge, disney dining, disney character dining, snow white dining, artist point, disney dining plan


By far our favorite category on this list, we think everyone needs a little more of this. And we’re not just talking about the mindless tv watching. Not that we have anything against that! Making time for your self-care, relaxing, and making space to enjoy something or get outside are all things that can help reset your body, mind, and spirit! “The Wilderness Must Be Explored!”- UP

Schedule at least one fun thing to your week

Nothing guarantees you will make time for Play like adding it to your weekly schedule. Just like trash day, pizza night, and anything else you have in your regular lineup. If you add some time for reading a few nights a week, or a virtual game with friends, it will become second nature to just make time for these things. 

Plan a Vacation

We run a vacation blog, so you knew this was coming. Frankly, nothing can jumpstart your New Year like something to look forward to! And a vacation is usually our big-ticket item to really kick the year into high gear. Even now with travel so compromised, there are still plenty of things you can plan! Whether it’s staying at a local state park lodge with your family, or heading to a beach house, or packing up your tent and hiking gear. There are plenty of safe ways to travel when you put your mind to it. Check out all our Disney Vacation Planning tips if you’re heading to the most magical place on earth this year! 


“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”- Big Hero Six. Wise advice from Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. By far one of the most neglected parts of most lifestyles these days, it’s important to reassess where you are health-wise. And the beginning of the year is a great time to do that. Whether it’s making sure that your doctor/ dentist appointments are scheduled for the year or removing some things from your diet that no longer serve you. Take a minute to assess where you are with your health and where you want to be by the end of the year. 

Pocahontas Quotes


How are you going to reset and restore your spirit this year? With this past year taking its toll on absolutely everyone, it’s important to take a minute and listen. Whether that’s through journaling, meditation or talking things through with a friend. How can you get back to your center? Listen to Grandma Willow on this one. “All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.”- Pocahontas

Add some Happy courtesy of Disney Parks

Need any ideas to add a little more joy into your life? Here are our best  Disney Happiness Secrets to get you started! From adding a soothing candle to your living space to removing mirrors that make you cringe. We find our spirit is always happier after a Disney trip and now we know why! Check out the happiness secrets that Disney Parks uses to body hack your experience and make it feel more magical. 

Start a Practice

Just like adding some kind of play to your life each week, be sure to add spiritual practice to your life too. This can be writing in your journal, taking 10 minutes each day to sit on the floor and meditate or even grabbing your sudoku or crochet project to let your mind break. In the book, the Tao of Pooh, one of the author’s favorite practices is simply laying on the floor. While not effective on it’s own, it’s the practice of putting aside time daily and letting your body rest that makes it effective.  “You must be imaginative, strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.”- Ratatouille

Start Fresh and Reset your Life with Disney

Hopefully, this post has given you some fun tasks that can help get or keep you on whatever path you want to be on! Be sure to take some time at the start of this year to figure out which way you’re going! 

Co-Founder and Director at Polka Dot Pixie Co LLC | Website

Rochelle Mariah is a writer, designer and photographer with an MLIS in Information Science and a B.S. in Arch and Design. Determined to make Planning a DIY Disney Vacation easier she makes lots of lists and drinks lots of coffee. When not designing apparel at Polka Dot Pixie Shop, she's watching old movies and planning the holidays. She has been traveling to Disney destinations since 2010.

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