12 Things People Don’t Tell You About Walt Disney World

12 Things People Don’t Tell You About Walt Disney World

So, Walt Disney World is obviously one of the most magical places on earth. You’ll find tons of Disney Vacation Tips on the internet( like this blog) about how to find the best Disney deals, the best time to vacation, and what foods you should eat. Well, what about all the stuff no one tells you? That may actually affect your Disney vacation? That might not be all magic and pixie dust?  Here are some of the things people don’t tell you about Disney World.

We’ve compiled a little list of things no one will tell you about your trip to Walt Disney World to help you prepare for some of those unexpected little moments. That way you can help preserve the Magic of your Magical Vacation. 

Toy Story Land at Hollywood Studios things to do guide to Toy Story Land Get ready to play big in Andy's Backyard #toystoryland #toystory #playbig

Bad Behavior at Disney World 

You’re Going to See A Lot of Bad Behavior. If you’re looking for manners or even civilized behavior sometimes, Walt Disney World may not be where you’ll find it. Especially in the age of revenge travel, and all the chaos happening in 2022. Regardless of what your idea is of “bad behavior”, you’re going to see it happen. Whether it is whole families cutting in line (this happens all the time), people blatantly arguing with Disney Cast Members about Disney policies to mothers actually changing their infant on the ground in the middle of Fantasyland (Yes we’ve seen this happen), you’re going to see a lot of behavior that you probably just don’t agree with.

Our suggestion? If it’s not affecting your vacation or well-being, accept the fact that you are surrounded by people all over the world with different cultural norms and move on. It’s not worth your time to get upset over it.

Too Much Family Time on your Disney Trip 

A Vacation Offers Lots of Family Time, For Better Or Worse. Magic is everywhere. There’s delicious food, and fun Disney characters, what could possibly go wrong? Well, everything. Here’s the thing, the average American Family spends about 18 hours a week together. If you’re from the U.K., that number jumps up to 38 hours per week, but that’s still nothing when compared to how much time your family will spend together at Walt Disney World. All-day, every day.

Factor in the sometimes sweltering heat, overstimulated kids, and overly exhausted parents trying to get everything they want their kids to experience in a small amount of time (let it go-you’re not gonna see it all), and you’re bound to have an argument at some point.

Disney Vacation Tips we suggest? Just Let go of the things you can’t control. You may miss your Lightning Lane because your husband wanted to stop for a churro. Trust us, it’s going to be ok.  And try to take some time to decompress. Head to the Boardwalk to relax on the beaches, let your kids go on a Pirate Cruise so you can get some alone time, or take an early morning walk while everyone is still asleep. And if you do get in an argument, brush it off and move on with your day. You’re in the Happiest Place on Earth, after all. Enjoy It.

The Stroller Struggle is Real

There are strollers everywhere. And of course there are, it’s a destination that millions of families visit every year. But regardless of whether or not you’re using a stroller, there is a bit of struggle either way. If you have small ones in tow and need a stroller, be aware of how unaware other guests are of you and your stroller. They will stop in the middle of walkways to take pictures, tie their shoes, or just for no reason at all. There are sometimes very heavy crowds that you’ll need to navigate through, and lots of bottlenecking that can occur in these areas. It can be tough pushing a stroller through Disney!

And if you happen to be someone who’s not using a stroller, be aware that many guests with strollers will bulldoze right over you. The amount of stroller parents that literally don’t care if they run you are over plenty. So, pay attention. Don’t be one of those people who does stop in the middle of walkways. Move over if you need to stop, and be aware of your surroundings. 

I know of multiple people who have been injured at Disney by strollers, so regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on, just try to be careful. 

stroller parking at walt disney world

Look out for Motorized Scooters and Strollers

Motorized Scooters at Disney are Everywhere. You will probably get run over at some point. Ok, I’m exaggerating, but seriously be careful. Between the aforementioned strollers and a lot of people who are renting an ECV ( an electric conveyance vehicle) or motorized scooter for the first time in their lives, there’s a lot of poor driving out there! And it’s through no fault of their own half the time. There’s only so much space at Disney and people will run into you (or your kids) without an apology and keep going on their merry way. It happened to us and everyone else I know…..it can happen to you. 

Disney Vacation Tips to remember for this issue? Pay attention. Plain and simple. Navigating the crowds at Walt Disney World is not the time to have your face glued to your cell phone while walking. And don’t freak out if you do get hit by someone. It probably wasn’t intentional. Respect is key. 

Lines, Lines and More Lines

Sometimes lines are wrong. There are lines for just about everything at Disney, but then sometimes what you think is a line, isn’t actually a line. One of our more important Disney Vacation Tips? Crowd mentality isn’t always correct. That line in the bathroom? Check the far side of the restroom to see if there are other stalls. Most people walk in, see a line and stand in it. Because they don’t know there’s another side. We see this happen A LOT in the restrooms in the Tangled area, at Main St., and in Norway. Obviously don’t be rude about it, but if it looks like it’s a large bathroom with multiple sides, just check the other side. 

We often see the same thing happening at quick service restaurants or kiosks where multiple cashiers are open. Sometimes, there will be a cast member directing the lines, but many times, when there are multiple lines with no one directing traffic, everyone clusters into the same line, leaving many other open lines, completely empty. Take your time and look before stepping into a line just because everyone else is there. 

Worse yet is when you are standing in a line and then realize the end of it is actually somewhere down the midway, and you actually just cut in front of 50 people. Just be respectful and aware. You won’t figure it out all the time, but know that this is pretty common at Disney.

cistrus swirl float at sunshine tree terrace

Get the Right Answers

Cast Members Don’t Always Have the Correct Answer. And it’s not intentional. Walt Disney World has a lot of employees. They’re called Cast Members. They couldn’t run without them. So while you really need to respect all the Disney Cast Members, IF you’re not getting the answer you think you should be getting, you can always nicely ask someone else!

Let me tell you a story about the Citrus Swirl Float. Once upon a time, like 2 weeks ago, I saw that Sunshine Tree Terrace was offering a Citrus Swirl Float. I saw this on Instagram so I had photo proof! Disney Food Blog had even done a review on this new item.  I don’t like citrus swirl because I think the frozen OJ is too sour for my liking. So I thought the float would be good because the soda could balance it out a bit. And since we keep a running list of all the New Snacks at Walt Disney World, we were pretty sure we’d find this one at Magic Kingdom. 

I was really excited to try it, went up to the counter and ordered and the cast member told me they didn’t offer that. So I asked if I could just order a citrus swirl and an orange soda and he could put them together and he said no. Sad and disappointed, I went back to Instagram and asked around to see when people had gotten theirs 5 hours ago. So how suddenly did they no longer offer it? They obviously had it at one point. Why didn’t they have it now?

So Just Try Again

I went back the next day and ordered the citrus swirl float again, this time from a different cast member at Sunshine Tree Terrace and it was delicious.

Why is there this inconsistency? According to the one cast member I talked to, there were just a lot of new people. This is no surprise for a theme park!  I’m not saying you’re always going to get the answer you want, but if you feel like you’re not getting the right answer, it doesn’t hurt to ask someone else.

Just Trying to Do Their Jobs

Cast Members are Just Doing Their Jobs. Not ruin your vacation. While we are on the subject of cast members, I hate that I even have to say this, but they deserve nothing but your utmost respect. You Should Treat Cast Members Like Gold. We have seen grown men actually get into arguments with Disney cast members over something as silly as ducking under the ropes to get into line.

Guess what, we’ve also seen cast members call security and have those same people removed from the park for not listening and wanting to make a big deal over something so minor. Disney has rules for a reason. If you don’t like them, find somewhere else to vacation.

Keep in mind, the cast members don’t make the rules. There are policies and procedures just like anywhere. So any aggression you may have against them for calling you out on something you shouldn’t be doing anyway has nothing to do with them. They’re trying to do their job and keep you and other guests safe.

How to Get Insider Tips

Cast members have the BEST Disney Vacation Tips. In addition to that, take the time to actually talk to them! Cast Members can give you much more insider information than any of these Disney blogs, vlogs, or websites. Look up, smile, ask a question or see how their day is going. Trust us, they’ll appreciate it. Case in point, after a long chat with a cast member working the ride line on our last trip, he actually thanked us for smiling and talking and said guests forget they’re people too. Keep it in mind. It makes a world of difference. 

No one is Paying attention to you

No One is Paying Attention to YOU on a Disney Vacation. In a world of, look at me, look at me, trust me, no one is looking at you. They’re worried more about themselves.  Be silly. Take funny pictures. Twirl on the hub grass. Dance to the Move it, Shake it parade if that’s your jam. And if someone does notice you, you’re probably never going to run into them again anyway. Be carefree and fun, and stop worrying about all those other people. It’s your vacation!

You’re probably going to be exhausted at Disney

Ok, so maybe people do tell you this one. But it’s important to note. This is not a vacation that people take to relax. It’s one they take to have fun. And there is a big difference between the two. Though you can plan a more relaxing Disney trip, if you’re really looking to relax and unwind, take a Disney Cruise Vacation instead. Disney is exhausting. Sometimes people think it’s just about all the walking, and they say, I’m fit, I’ll be fine. Sure, they probably will be. But it’s not onlt physically exhausting but can be mentally and emotionally as well.

You Can’t Control Anything

Let go and remember You Can’t Control the Disney Weather or Anything Really. Just Relax. Ok so I know you hear this over and over again, so how is this something no one tells you? I don’t mean relax like take a break and go to the pool. I mean relax, like, be chill. There are going to be a lot of things that probably don’t go your way, whether that may ruin your plans, or make you feel like you’re dying from heat exhaustion, and there will potentially be a lot of simply frustrating situations that may happen on your trip.

Accept the things you can’t control and make the best of your rainy day. You’re at Walt Disney World, take the time to appreciate the creativity and care that went into creating this place. Look for Hidden Mickeys if you’re stuck in queues, stop and grab a snack from Main St if you are held up by the parade, and if it happens to be storming all day, find an attraction to visit that may have never gotten your attention.

You’re Generally Not Late for Anything

You’re Never Really “Late” For Anything on a Disney Vacation. I say this with the hope that you will take this as lightly as it’s meant to be. Don’t be late on purpose, but if you happen to get stuck by the Parade, or the monorail is broken down, leaving you to find other transportation, don’t stress out! Always try to be on time when you can whether it’s for a dining reservation or trying to grab a bus, but trust me when I say, if you’re apologetically late, they’ll forgive you. Disney cast members are the best people; they’re understanding, want to help, and do have ways to make sure your day is magical, even though you may feel like it’s falling apart.

Let Go of Doing Everything at Disney 

Your Perfect Disney Vacation Won’t Be Perfect. And that’s OK. And you likely won’t get to do everything that you wanted. That’s why we recommend under planning your Disney days when possible.  There are so many things outside of your control when it comes to Disney. Whether it’s the weather, the crowds, your kids meltdowns, slow Disney transportation. 

The truth is that something, or everything, will probably go wrong. And that’s OK. Some of the best experiences and stories you’ll have can come from things going wrong. We’ve been stuck on broken-down rides, caught in the rain, late for dining reservations, missed seeing characters, injured and using band-aids like water, and more. But it always all ends up ok. Remember, it’s a vacation! So no matter what happens, keep in mind the ultimate goal is to enjoy yourself. And if nothing else you’ll have fun life stories to tell afterward.

Make Your Own Magic

Your Disney Vacation is only as magical as you make it. We know that sort of contradicts going someplace magical if you have to make your own magic. But here’s the thing, you are the one who decides how to fill your day and who decides how to feel about it. You decide which Disney vacation tips you follow and which you ignore. Sure there may be fighting and hating and injuries and wardrobe fail, and makeup fails and rude people and more. But you alone can decide how to make it an amazing vacation.

There really is something for everyone at Walt Disney World. Don’t love crowds? Head to the Boardwalk for a stroll near the beach, or Fort Wilderness Campground for some nature, or hang out at one of the monorail resorts to get away from it all. You don’t even have to be a guest at a Disney resort to go sit in the lobby or look around on the resort grounds, access to the resort is free. Can’t stand the parades? Perfect, plan ahead and get to a ride before the parade starts, the queues are always lower during the parades.

Don’t consider yourself a Disney lover but were dragged by your family? That’s ok! There are so many things to do at Disney that aren’t in your face Disney. Like sports? Head to the ESPN Club. Like Animals? Head to Animal Kingdom and stroll through the Gorilla Falls Forest Exploration Trail. Like Sailing? Rent a boat , canoe, or kayak, over at the Disney Resorts. Go off the beaten path!

Disney Vacation Tips for your Vacation

The truth is, a Walt Disney World vacation can be as magical(or frustrating) as you allow it to be. Embrace it all, take the good with the bad, and remember at least you’re not at work. 🙂

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Co-Founder and Director at Polka Dot Pixie Co LLC | Website

Melanie Renee is a photographer, writer, designer and mom. Visiting Disney destinations since 2010, she is also an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. When she's not creating her next coffee recipe, or designing apparel at Polka Dot Pixie Shop, she's seeking beautiful sunsets and planning her next trip .

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